Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Your Character is Who you are...

The supercooled and beautiful freezing rain droplets on my car window. These droplets could have taken any shape, but they merged together to give a whole new and complete piece of art for my car window.And its that perfect combination that made it so beautiful.In the same way our character is the sum of all good and bad traits we have. A good combination of really strong and good traits makes you the owner of a good character that the world loves and respects.

Character- it is a very powerful word. It is something , infact it is everything that defines who you are , your beliefs and what you stand for.Your character is what distinguishes you from every other person on this planet. People who have a strong character always stands by it in any kind of situations. They have strong faith and belief in God and strongly believe in themselves. In today's fast moving world, good character are regularly put to test. So its even more important to stick with what you believe in.As humans, we all have different goals in different phases of our lives. One thing we should always remember is we should  never compromise our character in order to achieve any goal. There will be situations in life which will make you feel your goal is easily attainable if you make a little compromise on your character. Please don't get subjected to it. You do it one time, you will end up doing it again and then you are not being yourself. 
We all should make sure we surround ourselves with people who have a good character and who believes in themselves. And as we always hear we can judge the character of a person by the way they treat people lower to them or can do nothing for them. That's speaks of selfless and true character.Even with a great character you will get hurt from time to time, people will isolate you if you don't compromise your character to fit in, but as long as you believe in yourself and know you are right, you are on the way to success.People will consider you their role model and would love to follow you.And the good news is people who care about you will genuinely care about you, who love you, will genuinely love you as they know they are dealing with someone who is genuine and have a high self esteem. 

As Abraham Lincoln once said "Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing." So friends, always make sure you stick on with your principles and beliefs and always work towards building a strong character.

Let me conclude with this great quote from Anne Frank ""Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands." 